Field’s length
The shaded blue regions show the areas where the instantaneous cooling flux is higher than the conductive heating flux.
#| standalone: true
#| viewerHeight: 1080
from shiny import App, render, ui
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
cool_t = np.array([0] * 40)
cool_coef = np.array([0] * 40)
cool_index = np.array([0] * 40)
# Temperatures in [K]
cool_t[0] = 10000.0
cool_t[1] = 12600.0
cool_t[2] = 15890.0
cool_t[3] = 20020.0
cool_t[4] = 25240.0
cool_t[5] = 31810.0
cool_t[6] = 40090.0
cool_t[7] = 50530.0
cool_t[8] = 63680.0
cool_t[9] = 80260.0
cool_t[10] = 101200.0
cool_t[11] = 127500.0
cool_t[12] = 160700.0
cool_t[13] = 202600.0
cool_t[14] = 255300.0
cool_t[15] = 321800.0
cool_t[16] = 405600.0
cool_t[17] = 511100.0
cool_t[18] = 644200.0
cool_t[19] = 812000.0
cool_t[20] = 1000000.0
cool_t[21] = 1259000.0
cool_t[22] = 1585000.0
cool_t[23] = 1995000.0
cool_t[24] = 2512000.0
cool_t[25] = 3162000.0
cool_t[26] = 3981000.0
cool_t[27] = 5012000.0
cool_t[28] = 6310000.0
cool_t[29] = 7943000.0
cool_t[30] = 10000000.0
cool_t[31] = 12590000.0
cool_t[32] = 15850000.0
cool_t[33] = 19950000.0
cool_t[34] = 25120000.0
cool_t[35] = 31620000.0
cool_t[36] = 39810000.0
cool_t[37] = 50120000.0
cool_t[38] = 63100000.0
cool_t[39] = 79430000.0
# Cooling Coefficient [1e-23 ergs*cm3/s]
cool_coef[0] = 1.6408984689285624
cool_coef[1] = 5.789646575948292
cool_coef[2] = 18.797203755396648
cool_coef[3] = 16.7384754689852
cool_coef[4] = 11.274384717759935
cool_coef[5] = 9.95038422958871
cool_coef[6] = 11.302144847043829
cool_coef[7] = 15.819149070534786
cool_coef[8] = 25.224636283348048
cool_coef[9] = 38.02107089248533
cool_coef[10] = 43.98219098299675
cool_coef[11] = 41.277704007796586
cool_coef[12] = 41.95311185975414
cool_coef[13] = 45.260670345801
cool_coef[14] = 47.275626188961176
cool_coef[15] = 32.21420131907784
cool_coef[16] = 24.350976818250636
cool_coef[17] = 23.383616480583676
cool_coef[18] = 18.333394532081098
cool_coef[19] = 14.89691888284402
cool_coef[20] = 14.392505898454834
cool_coef[21] = 13.027915287005817
cool_coef[22] = 11.671262753284271
cool_coef[23] = 9.070904785425046
cool_coef[24] = 6.489695397654223
cool_coef[25] = 4.766239129792971
cool_coef[26] = 3.7811870710765074
cool_coef[27] = 3.313622783657129
cool_coef[28] = 3.0600313080475674
cool_coef[29] = 2.9993768457216112
cool_coef[30] = 2.9491332141250552
cool_coef[31] = 2.744653611808266
cool_coef[32] = 2.3449511265716
cool_coef[33] = 2.0169621177549892
cool_coef[34] = 1.8907205849384978
cool_coef[35] = 1.91584885606706
cool_coef[36] = 2.056870288868004
cool_coef[37] = 2.233680315878366
cool_coef[38] = 2.4097186710383474
cool_coef[39] = 2.5502102007949023
# Cooling power index
cool_index[0] = 5.455488390256632
cool_index[1] = 5.076170519863754
cool_index[2] = -0.5020655826640291
cool_index[3] = -1.7055659800651979
cool_index[4] = -0.5399688186820728
cool_index[5] = 0.550609170202909
cool_index[6] = 1.4527662908446985
cool_index[7] = 2.0172644735605223
cool_index[8] = 1.773197476674277
cool_index[9] = 0.6282445620956022
cool_index[10] = -0.2747076405016009
cool_index[11] = 0.07013182420220869
cool_index[12] = 0.32752568568776125
cool_index[13] = 0.1883881016798681
cool_index[14] = -1.6570303755459093
cool_index[15] = -1.209120245966656
cool_index[16] = -0.17533183860418153
cool_index[17] = -1.0512755674245657
cool_index[18] = -0.896664392554265
cool_index[19] = -0.16540667885641686
cool_index[20] = -0.43250361812273735
cool_index[21] = -0.4775539072045259
cool_index[22] = -1.0956186284443203
cool_index[23] = -1.453147878451421
cool_index[24] = -1.3412596915753237
cool_index[25] = -1.0051719479026813
cool_index[26] = -0.573142729390977
cool_index[27] = -0.3457087236213044
cool_index[28] = -0.08698732111048613
cool_index[29] = -0.07335511773234596
cool_index[30] = -0.3119882060952377
cool_index[31] = -0.6835132944311395
cool_index[32] = -0.6549261784681947
cool_index[33] = -0.2804886559029823
cool_index[34] = 0.05737205818565948
cool_index[35] = 0.30836313806582183
cool_index[36] = 0.3580735000106496
cool_index[37] = 0.3293929876114671
cool_index[38] = 0.24620665148692336
cool_index[39] = 0.10953503955831644
def Lam_fn_power(T, Zsol=1.0, Lambda_fac=1.0):
T_min = np.min(cool_t)
T_max = np.max(cool_t)
N = len(cool_t)
if T < T_min or T > T_max:
return 0.0
i_a = 0
i_b = N - 1
while i_a != i_b - 1:
mid = int((i_a + i_b) / 2)
if T > cool_t[mid]:
i_a = mid
i_b = mid
# T_a = cool_t[i_a]
# T_b = cool_t[i_b]
Lam = (cool_coef[i_a] * 1e-23) * (T / cool_t[i_a]) ** cool_index[i_a]
return Lam * Lambda_fac
def gaussian(x, input):
T_cold = 10 ** input.T_cold_exp()
T_hot = 10 ** input.T_hot_exp()
s = input.amplitude() * np.exp(-(x**2) / (2 * input.std_dev() ** 2))
s = 10 ** (s)
T_dist = T_hot / s
T_dist[T_dist < T_cold] = T_cold
return T_dist
def sigmoid(x, input):
T_cold = 10 ** input.T_cold_exp()
T_hot = 10 ** input.T_hot_exp()
# Sigmoid in log y space between T_cold and T_hot
s = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-input.std_dev() * 100 * x))
T_dist = T_cold + (T_hot - T_cold) * s
# T_dist = 10**(snp.log10(T_hot / T_cold) - 1)
# T_dist *= 10 ** (np.log10(T_hot / T_cold) - 1)
# T_dist *= T_cold
T_dist[T_dist < T_cold] = T_cold
return T_dist
def T_dist_fn(x, input, type="sigmoid"):
if type == "sigmoid":
return sigmoid(x, input)
elif type == "gaussian":
return gaussian(x, input)
raise ValueError("Invalid type")
app_ui = ui.page_fluid(
"Select Temperature Distribution",
"sigmoid": "Sigmoid",
"gaussian": "Gaussian",
"T_cold_exp", "Cold temperature 10^", 3, 3.9, 3.9, step=0.1
ui.input_slider("T_hot_exp", "Hot temperature 10^", 4, 6, 6, step=0.1),
ui.input_slider("rho_hot", "Hot Density", 0.1, 1, 0.2, step=0.1),
ui.input_slider("amplitude", "Amplitude (for gaussian)", 0, 4, 1, step=0.1),
ui.input_slider("std_dev", "Standard deviation", 0, 1, 0.1, step=0.1),
# ui.panel_main(
ui.output_plot("plot", height="800px"),
# ),
def server(input, output, session):
@render.plot(alt="Temperature distribution")
def plot():
# T_cold = 10 ** input.T_cold_exp()
T_hot = 10 ** input.T_hot_exp()
unit_length = 3.08567758128e18
xlim = 4
x = np.arange(-xlim, xlim, 0.01)
T_dist = T_dist_fn(x, input, type=input.T_dist_type())
# T_dist = input.T_dist_type()(x, input)
grad_T = np.gradient(T_dist, x * unit_length)
fact = 5.6e-7
fact *= 1.0
kappa = fact * T_dist**2.5
cond = -np.gradient(kappa * grad_T, x * unit_length)
# grad_T = grad_T * unit_length # in K/pc
# cond = cond * (unit_length**3) # in erg/pc^3/s
rho_dist = input.rho_hot() * T_hot / T_dist
cool = np.vectorize(Lam_fn_power)(T_dist) * rho_dist**2
# cool = cool * (unit_length**3) # in erg/pc^3/s
heat = cond - cool
field_len = kappa * T_dist / cool
field_len = np.sqrt(field_len)
field_len = field_len / unit_length
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=6, figsize=(10, 25))
# ax.set_ylim([1e-1, None])
ax[0].plot(x, T_dist)
ax[1].plot(x, grad_T)
ax[2].plot(x, cond, label=r"$\Theta$ ")
ax[3].plot(x, cool, label=r"$\Lambda$")
ax[4].plot(x, heat)
ax[5].plot(x, field_len, label=r"$\lambda_F$")
ax[2].axhline(0, color="black", linestyle="--")
ax[4].axhline(0, color="black", linestyle="--")
ax[0].set_ylabel("Temperature \n [K]")
ax[1].set_ylabel(r"$\nabla T$" + "\n[K/pc]")
ax[2].set_ylabel("Conduction \n[erg/cm^3/s]")
ax[3].set_ylabel("Cooling \n[erg/cm^3/s]")
ax[4].set_ylabel(r"$ \Theta - \Lambda$" + f"\n[erg/cm^3/s]")
ax[5].set_ylabel(f"Field Length \n[pc]")
ax[5].set_xlabel("x (pc)")
# ax[0].grid()
# ax[1].grid()
for a in ax:
a.set_xlim([-xlim, xlim])
# Set the ScalarFormatter for scientific notation with rounded mantissa
formatter = ticker.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)
formatter.set_powerlimits((-2, 2))
for axis in ax[2:-1]:
tol = np.max(np.abs(heat)) * 1e-2
x_cool = np.where(heat < -tol)[0]
x_heat = np.where(heat > tol)[0]
# Shade the x-areas where cooling is dominant using axvspan
for i in range(len(x_cool) - 1):
for a in ax:
x[x_cool[i + 1]],
app = App(app_ui, server)